Eggs are a staple food item around the world. They are inexpensive, versatile, nutritious and delicious. However, introducing eggs to babies may cause problems such as jaundice or allergic reactions.
Here’s what you should know if you want to give your child eggs without any side effects.
- Learn everything you need to know about giving your baby eggs by following these simple tips.
- Don’t feed them raw or undercooked eggs. This is because they can contain bacteria that causes salmonella poisoning. It also increases the risk of developing an allergy later in life.
- Make sure the shell has been cracked before feeding it to your baby. If not, wash it thoroughly with warm water first. Then peel off the outer layer using clean hands. You could even use a spoon for this purpose.
- Do not add salt to the boiled eggs. The reason behind this is that too much sodium intake while still young will increase their chances of getting high blood pressure when they grow up.
- Avoid serving hard-boiled eggs on toast. Instead, serve soft-boiled ones instead. Soft-boiling removes some of the cholesterol from the egg white but keeps most of the nutrients intact.
- When cooking scrambled eggs, make sure there is enough liquid so that the mixture doesn’t dry out. Add more milk or cream only if necessary.
- For best results, cook eggs at low heat until done. Overcooking makes the yolk turn brownish yellow which gives the dish a bitter taste.
- To avoid having runny eggs, don’t overbeat the whites. Beat just long enough to get rid of lumps.
- When making omelets, do not flip them immediately after adding ingredients. Let them sit for 2 minutes before flipping them over.
When Can Babies Have Eggs?
It depends on how old your baby is. According to experts, children between 6 months and 1 year old shouldn’t have eggs yet. But once they reach one year, they can start eating small amounts of cooked eggs every day. Experts recommend starting with half a large egg per meal. As your baby grows older, he/she can eat whole eggs regularly.
How Many Egg Yolks Should I Give My Baby?
Experts say that no matter how many times you boil eggs, the amount of fat contained within each egg remains the same. So, you won’t be able to tell whether your baby ate two or three eggs based solely on his weight gain. That said, you should limit yourself to 3 servings of eggs per week.
Baby Egg Allergy
Eggs contain proteins called immunoglobulins A and G, which are similar to antibodies found in adults’ blood. These proteins act like antigens, meaning they trigger allergic reactions in people who already have certain types of allergy. In fact, some research has suggested that children whose mothers ate more than three servings of whole eggs per week during pregnancy were less likely to develop eczema later in childhood.
And according to Dr. William Sears, author of “The Baby Book,” babies born to women who had allergies themselves tend to have fewer food allergies as well. However, other studies suggest otherwise. One study published in Pediatrics showed that infants exposed to allergens early in life may actually be more prone to developing asthma by age 5 years. Another study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine suggests that kids who consume lots of eggs might actually be protected against peanut allergies.
Are Eggs Healthy For Babies?
Yes! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Egg consumption during pregnancy does not appear to pose any risks.” In fact, it’s recommended that expectant mothers consume up to three whole eggs per week.
However, there are certain conditions where eating eggs should be avoided. For instance, people who suffer from gallbladder disease shouldn’t eat eggs because they could cause inflammation of the biliary system.
People who take medications such as aspirin also need to avoid consuming eggs due to their potential side effects. And if you’re pregnant, don’t even think about having raw eggs near your stomach area. They could lead to serious complications.
What Are Some Benefits of Feeding Eggs To Your Child?
Whole eggs provide an excellent source of nutrients such as vitamin A, zinc, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, folate, thiamine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins C and K1. Whole eggs can help boost immunity. The protein content helps build strong bones and muscles while the high levels of cholesterol promote brain growth.
They can improve digestion. When mixed with milk, eggs make a great breakfast meal. But when eaten alone, they can stimulate digestive enzymes and increase nutrient absorption.
They can reduce risk factors associated with heart diseases. Eating one large egg daily reduces LDL cholesterol by 2 percent and triglycerides by 7 percent. This means lower chances of cardiovascular problems down the road.
Are Eggs a Common Choking Hazard?
No. Although eggs contain small pieces of shell or yolk, these do not present a danger to young children. Choking is most often caused by foods that come out of someone’s mouth or objects swallowed into the throat.
The risk of choking while eating eggs is very low. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under age 4 should never be given hard foods because they lack the necessary coordination skills needed to safely chew them.
However, older kids who know how to handle solid foods need to learn about choking hazards before trying new things. Choking happens when something gets stuck in the throat, causing airway obstruction. It may happen quickly or slowly depending on what causes it. If this occurs, call 911 immediately.