Breastfeeding has been proven to provide numerous health benefits for both mother and baby. However, if you find yourself struggling to breastfeed during the day because you feel like you just aren’t producing enough milk, try these nighttime feeding techniques instead !
Nighttime breastfeeding is a great way to get your supply up when it seems that nothing will come out of your breasts at all. It can also be helpful in situations where you are unable to produce any milk due to medication or illness. If you have tried everything else but still don’t seem to be able to make more than a few drops of colostrum each time, then this method may help you increase your production by as much as 50%.
However, if you find yourself struggling to breastfeed during the day because you feel like you just aren’t producing enough milk, try these nighttime feeding techniques instead!
Here are some tips on how to do night-time breastfeeding:
Get Into Bed With Your Newborn
This helps stimulate lactation hormones which increases milk flow. You should ideally sleep next to your child so they can feed from their own body heat. You should ideally sleep next to your child so they can feed from their own body heat – not only does this keep them warm, but it also stimulates lactation hormones which increases your milk flow.
Try Nursing While Lying Down
Lying down allows gravity to pull the milk towards the nipple. The position of your nipples over the chest wall also encourages blood circulation around the area, helping to promote increased milk flow. The position of your nipples over the chest wall also encourages blood circulation around the area, helping to promote increased milk flow.
Use an Electric Pump
Electric pumps work best when used every 2 hours throughout the night. They allow you to control exactly what amount of milk comes out and makes sure there isn’t too little or too much. They allow you to control exactly what amount of milk comes out and makes sure there isn’t too little or too much – perfect for those who struggle with getting the right amount of milk.
Using an electric pump means you won’t need to worry about measuring anything since it automatically measures the correct amounts.
Keep Your Nipples Clean
Wipe them down with lukewarm water after every feeding session. Make sure not to use soap since it could dry out your skin. Instead, use a mild cleanser such as Dove Baby Wash.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol inhibits the release of prolactin, one of the main hormones responsible for increasing milk supply. Also avoid caffeine, nicotine and other stimulants before going to bed. These substances can cause insomnia and disrupt your ability to fall asleep.
Don’t Overdo It
Try to nurse only once per hour. Do not pump before going to bed unless absolutely necessary. Pumping too often can cause damage to your nipple tissue – especially if you are using manual pumps that require excessive force.
Sleep Naked
Sleeping nude is another way to encourage milk production. Your baby will naturally want to suckle whenever he/she feels cold, and sleeping without clothes provides him/her with access to your bare skin.
Take Supplements
Taking calcium and magnesium supplements may help increase milk supply. Calcium supplementation has been shown to be effective at increasing milk volume. Magnesium supplementation has been found to reduce the risk of mastitis. However, take note that taking large doses of either supplement might lead to diarrhea.
Try Using a Nipple Shield
A nipple shield works well for women who struggle to keep their babies latched onto their nipples throughout the night. The shield keeps the baby attached while allowing you to use your hands freely without worrying about getting milk everywhere.
It’s recommended that you wear the shield until your breasts have produced enough milk to feed your child on demand. You should remove the shield during daytime naps so that your breast doesn’t become engorged.
Don’t Worry About Making “Enough” Milk
Just let nature take its course. Your baby needs only as much milk as he/she requires. As long as you are satisfied with the amount of milk produced, you won’t go wrong. Just make sure you don’t stress yourself out trying to produce more than needed!
Breastfeed in Public
If breastfeeding in public seems like something you would enjoy doing, then by all means do it! There is no reason why nursing mothers shouldn’t feel comfortable expressing themselves wherever they happen to be. In fact, many people find this practice quite liberating.
Use a Lactation Pillow
Lactation pillows provide support for nursing mothers in order to prevent soreness and discomfort. Some also come equipped with built-in lights which make nighttime breastfeeding easier especially when there isn’t any ambient light around.
Get Plenty of Rest
Nursing moms need lots of sleep because they tend to wake up frequently due to hunger pangs or changes in her body temperature. Make sure you get adequate amounts of sleep every day. This helps ensure proper hormone levels and prevents fatigue from setting in.
Drink Plenty of Water
Water flushes toxins through your system and helps prevent constipation. Also drink lots of fluids before going to bed since this allows your body time to prepare itself for sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol right before bedtime though; it tends to dehydrate one instead of giving them energy.
In conclusion, if you’re looking forward to breastfeed at night, then you must start preparing now. It’s never too early to begin planning ahead. By following these tips, you’ll be able to achieve your goals sooner rather than later.
The best thing about having baby is that everything becomes possible. It can bring joys such as seeing your little bundle of joy growing everyday. But sometimes, things aren’t always perfect. Thanks for reading!